Ah the joys of being bigger

I have always been bigger than the other girls.  I have never been the skinny thing that turned the heads of the boys around me.  Then again I am hardly huge!  I am big.  I have always been big and I always probably witll be.  I have very wide hips and very wide sholders.  I come from a long line of stocky, broad women.  There are conflicts around how big people get though.  I personally would like to lose a couple of stone and the reason is purely because that is how much I used to weigh and would be a more healthy weight for me to get to.  Health reasons alone for my weight loss.  There are perceptions of how people are supposed to be though and I am sure that some people will see my attempts at losing weight as being a part of that.

On the one hand I know that I need to get to a more reasonable weight.  I would like to feel more comfortable as I have problems with my knees from an old injury that would probably lessen if I shifted some weight.  Also there is a history of diabeties in my family and heart disease, all caused by weight issues so I can decrease my chances of these issues by shifting some weight.  To be honest I don't find that my weight hindes me that much on a daily basis.  I am very strong and I can walk longer and faster than anyone else I know.  Other than perhaps the knee issues and any potential future issues I probably just look tubby to other people.

Then there is the perception that people think attractiveness equates to skinnyness.  I can tell you this is not true.  I am 24 years old and have had 5 fairly long term relationships (the current one is number 5), where the man in my life was attracted to my body, but also my mind.  That has made the relationships more meaningful (although there was psychological scarring from the last one...never mind about that now).  I personally look at someone who is skinny and see nothing attractive.  I have the curves a woman is supposed to have and I think I look alright.  I am all in proportion and although I am over weight I am not one of those people who looks it...lucky me.  Others have picked on me for my weight before, even family members have, but this would never drive me to do something as drastic as losing weight that dangerously. 

There is the other issue.  I need to lose weight for my health, but to do so I have to be healthy in the process.  My big problem is not so much what I eat, rather that I do not take enough exercise.  I have changed this by taking more walks, doing the Wii fit, etc.  I know some people at the moment that are literally obsessed with their food intake and their exercise.  This is not how I want to be at all.  So many pitfalls today.  Perhaps I should be happy with myself the way I am.  To quote Lady GaGa: 'I was born this way'.  Shame it is unhealthy...


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