News of the Real World
This has been a week full of stories so I like a round up with my personal twist.
- Hackgate continues on. The Murdochs gave evidence to the select committee and a foam pie was thrown. I think we learnt more about Wendi Deng Murdoch than anyone that day. Since then two former NOTW employees have said James Murdoch bent the truth when talking about payments to various people when he faced the committee. David Cameron denied any wrong doing in appointing Andy Coulson and played down his friendship with the Murdochs and Rebekah Brooks...hmmm....seems like a lot of people denying responsibility and passing the buck. Will we really ever find out where it stops?
- As of today, five people have died from having saline drips contaminated with insulin at Stepping Hill Hospital in the Manchester area. A nurse has been arrested and questioned but this will carry on for a while due to investigations. This is such a scary story that you really don't want to think about it too much. You expect to be made well or at least looked after if you are terminal when you go into a hospital. I feel for the families.
- The Horn of Africa is suffering the worst famine and drought for many years. Things are getting despirate and emergency aid is being sought. The trouble with some aid is that it goes to the wrong place. There is still high level corruption in some of these areas and the aid is not getting to the right place. This just adds to the frustration that we cannot help the people who are really suffering.
- If you are over 5ft you are at 15-16% higher risk of developing cancer. I am 5' 5"...lucky me.
- Two dogs went swimming and one attacked a shark. No one knows what happened to the shark...
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