A rat in No.10? (Hackgate)
Yesterday PM David Cameron faced MPs in Parliament regarding his appointment of Andy Coulson. His claims included that Chancellor George Osborne had suggested Coulson but that the decision to appoint him was entirely his own. On top of that he was either unable or unwilling to answer the questions put forward to him by MPs such as the level of dealings he had with the Murdochs and Brooks or any discussion about the BSkyB takeover bid.
I do believe that when he says the BSkyB decision was one for the Culture and Media Secretary Jeremy Hunt (I got that one right...http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/audio/2010/dec/06/james-naughtie-jeremy-hunt-radio-4) he was telling the truth. I do think though that surely there must have been some detailed discussion between Cameron and Hunt over the BSkyB bid as this would have given Murdoch a huge stake in the British Media and it is something that Cameron would have had to have spoken about at some point, even if it was just to Andrew Marr on a Sunday morning.
There was a half a***ed apology attempt from Mr Cameron though yesterday as he said that any investgation that should wrong doing by Coulson would lead to a full and profound apology. I suppose in a way I would like to feel sorry for Cameron as this could not have come at a worse time. Just as the poles were beginning to pick up for his party this story breaks. What is more unfortunate for him is that he was genuinely friends with some of these people and it must hurt to feel this betrayed by them. I guess he must be hoping that not too much comes out over the Summer recess and he can come back in the Autumn and fight back to regain a strong lead. The trouble is that I cannot feel sorry for Cameron as he must have known the controvosy surrounding these people from the previous commuissions and court cases. If I wanted to be PM (we shall see) I would make sure I knew who I had around me. You can never be too careful.
Ed Miliband seems to have done well over this. The trouble he will have will be converting that to other areas of politics. We shall wait and see.
I do believe that when he says the BSkyB decision was one for the Culture and Media Secretary Jeremy Hunt (I got that one right...http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/audio/2010/dec/06/james-naughtie-jeremy-hunt-radio-4) he was telling the truth. I do think though that surely there must have been some detailed discussion between Cameron and Hunt over the BSkyB bid as this would have given Murdoch a huge stake in the British Media and it is something that Cameron would have had to have spoken about at some point, even if it was just to Andrew Marr on a Sunday morning.
There was a half a***ed apology attempt from Mr Cameron though yesterday as he said that any investgation that should wrong doing by Coulson would lead to a full and profound apology. I suppose in a way I would like to feel sorry for Cameron as this could not have come at a worse time. Just as the poles were beginning to pick up for his party this story breaks. What is more unfortunate for him is that he was genuinely friends with some of these people and it must hurt to feel this betrayed by them. I guess he must be hoping that not too much comes out over the Summer recess and he can come back in the Autumn and fight back to regain a strong lead. The trouble is that I cannot feel sorry for Cameron as he must have known the controvosy surrounding these people from the previous commuissions and court cases. If I wanted to be PM (we shall see) I would make sure I knew who I had around me. You can never be too careful.
Ed Miliband seems to have done well over this. The trouble he will have will be converting that to other areas of politics. We shall wait and see.
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