Now News Corp may be at it in US

So Senate Commerce Committee Chairman Jay Rockefeller has called for an investigation into whether News Corp (owned by Rupert Murdoch) is guilty of breaching US law.  This is the first time the US Senate has looked at something like this.

Apparently there are concerns over how News Intl gained information in the UK around the hacking of murder victims' families and the information gained about Gordon Brown's son.  The Senate wants to find out if the same thing has happened in the US, specifically surrounding the families who lost loved ones in the attacks on the World Trade Centre 11/09/2001. 

If it is discovered that hacking has taken place or any other illegal activity then News Corp will be held accountable and this is not something that is taken lightly in the US.  Their journalism does not cover the sort of in depth investigation that ours does and the people and other news companies will simply not stand for it.  This could be the beginning of the end for the Murdoch empire as we know it.

Either way, we know now that politicians and members of the public on both sides of the pond are keeping a very close eye on Murdoch and co.  They will never be able to do anything again without the closest of scrutiny.  This I welcome and it is a shame it was not done sooner.


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