Welcome to a new year...time for a worry!
For some reason I always like to start a new year stressing myself out. Be it with a job interview, house hunting or just getting worked up over people that don't deserve it.
Rather than taking everything as a new opportunity to be enjoyed and liked, I have this weird compulsion to just make myself feel very stressed and angry before I settle into a new year. I have no idea why I would behave like this and it can in no way be of any benefit to me. So why do I do it?
Maybe that is all just down to my own personality. I am what we call 'one of life's great worriers'. I worry about everything! Just ask my fiance! Dave (fiance) on the other hand does worry, but in a different way. I am very vocal about my worrying and I display physical signs, such as not eating or sleeping. Dave is very calm and quiet and considers the situation. I feel he usually comes out of anything better than I do.
So why are we both such different characters when it comes to worrying about stuff? Some psychologists might say it is down to our upbringing or our environment. Dave is a middle child and has had to be more thoughtful and considerate in order to get things done as he has not had the same sort of attention as his older and younger brothers. I am the eldest of two and therefore have had a totally different outlook on life.
Then there is a more spiritual answer. There is a book my parents have about black magic. In this book there is the theory of numerology. I come out as a number one and this means I am very focused on myself. I would say this is a fairly accurate description, although I think it is a bit mean to say that I use others for my own gains and only have friends if they have a use for me. Perhaps some of this is why I worry so much and in the way I do? Self preservation? I can't remember if Dave came out as a 3 or a 5, but either way his description was more of a caring and kind person who works hard and is thoughtful. Again, I would say this is true.
Whatever the reasons, I worry and I stress and I have no idea why. If I could change one thing about myself it would be that. It stops me from living a normal life the way it should be lived. Still, this could be something to work on I suppose.
Rather than taking everything as a new opportunity to be enjoyed and liked, I have this weird compulsion to just make myself feel very stressed and angry before I settle into a new year. I have no idea why I would behave like this and it can in no way be of any benefit to me. So why do I do it?
Maybe that is all just down to my own personality. I am what we call 'one of life's great worriers'. I worry about everything! Just ask my fiance! Dave (fiance) on the other hand does worry, but in a different way. I am very vocal about my worrying and I display physical signs, such as not eating or sleeping. Dave is very calm and quiet and considers the situation. I feel he usually comes out of anything better than I do.
So why are we both such different characters when it comes to worrying about stuff? Some psychologists might say it is down to our upbringing or our environment. Dave is a middle child and has had to be more thoughtful and considerate in order to get things done as he has not had the same sort of attention as his older and younger brothers. I am the eldest of two and therefore have had a totally different outlook on life.
Then there is a more spiritual answer. There is a book my parents have about black magic. In this book there is the theory of numerology. I come out as a number one and this means I am very focused on myself. I would say this is a fairly accurate description, although I think it is a bit mean to say that I use others for my own gains and only have friends if they have a use for me. Perhaps some of this is why I worry so much and in the way I do? Self preservation? I can't remember if Dave came out as a 3 or a 5, but either way his description was more of a caring and kind person who works hard and is thoughtful. Again, I would say this is true.
Whatever the reasons, I worry and I stress and I have no idea why. If I could change one thing about myself it would be that. It stops me from living a normal life the way it should be lived. Still, this could be something to work on I suppose.
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