2014, two goals for me

This year I want to lose weight.

I am currently sat in my trousers that fit before Christmas and they are way too tight.

Wait! Doesn't everyone put on a bit of weight over Christmas? Well, yes. I guess most people do anyway. However, this has been a long time coming. Even before Christmas I was not happy with my weight. On top of that I have had other issues connected to my weight that are making me feel awful. I have been getting regular headaches, my back aches from time to time and I know my knees (which have an injury anyway) are suffering more than usual. On top of that I know that my lack of fitness, eating well and exercise have been contributing to my low periods and making my depression worse than usual.

There is my second one. I want to fight my mood. I want to have a more positive outlook and to get myself sorted and on the right track. Like I say, the exercise and eating well should help with this too.

So unfortunately for you all I am going to be banging on about this for the first part of the year.

I have got motivation initaially though. This picture was taken in July 2013:

I have been editing this picture so that I don't look so big. I know that Luke is so skinny that he could make anyone look huge, but I really was over weight here. I haven't been able to look at this picture because it was the first one in ages that made me realise that I was that big. I have been cropping this picture to just below my boobs so that the fat is cut out. That isn't the right way to go. So I have decided that by the time I see The Dead Lay Waiting for their farewell show in February I will have lost a bit of weight. I know that in two months I won't have lost loads, but I would like to be happy with the way I look when I inevitably stand next to him for a photo. After all, I run Luke's street team so of course I will have to have my photo taken with him.

This may seem trivial, but with the important health issues attached to the weight I am I think that setting a goal that I want is probably the best way for me to do this. I am going to give it a shot anyway.


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