Daily comment: Life's not fair
Foxy has been tagging social trips on to official trips to meet Werritty, all paid for by the tax payer. So we have been paying for them to have a little working holiday.
Sri Lankan officials claim that Werritty offered to sell them arms when on a trip with Foxy. Werritty also started several companies to match Foxy's job. One was UK Health Ltd when Foxy was Shadow Health Secretary and the other was Security Futures when Foxy took on defence.
'CallmeDave' won't want Foxy to be on the back bench though as he is very right wing and has a lot of influence. This would be too dangerous for the Tories in the coalition.
The Lords are voting on the NHS reforms today. If you want to keep this institution as it is then sign this: https://secure.38degrees.org.uk/message-to-lords
In other news the NOTW hacker, Glenn Mulcaire, wants the victims to stop suing him as he feels persecuted. Not a nice feeling, is it Glenn?
Sri Lankan officials claim that Werritty offered to sell them arms when on a trip with Foxy. Werritty also started several companies to match Foxy's job. One was UK Health Ltd when Foxy was Shadow Health Secretary and the other was Security Futures when Foxy took on defence.
'CallmeDave' won't want Foxy to be on the back bench though as he is very right wing and has a lot of influence. This would be too dangerous for the Tories in the coalition.
The Lords are voting on the NHS reforms today. If you want to keep this institution as it is then sign this: https://secure.38degrees.org.uk/message-to-lords
In other news the NOTW hacker, Glenn Mulcaire, wants the victims to stop suing him as he feels persecuted. Not a nice feeling, is it Glenn?
Life isn't fair and unfortunately, there's a bunch of deluded people who think because it is unfair, it should be kept unfair, or be made more unfair.