Daily comment: Europe
Today Parliament has a vote on whether or not there should be a referendum about staying in Europe. This is set to be 'CallMeDave's' biggest challenge yet. Many of his party want to vote for a referendum, but with Labour and the Lib Dems to vote against it 'CallMeDave' will be happy.
Why is this the case? Because say what you like about the Tories, the front bench knows that we do need to be a part of Europe. We need to stand alongside the other European countries and be proud of this. We are still one of the stronger nations in the EU, even if it doesn't feel like it at times and we need them too. We need the economic support of something much bigger. We need the agreements on human rights, education and health. We need to be a part of this to show that we are front runners in a Europe that can work. Also we know that as a tiny island nation we run the risk of being cut off without the protection of the Union. 'CallMeDave' and co know this, but the Euro-sceptics in his party seem to not understand this.
Today it looks like 'CallMeDave' will get the result he wants. There will be no referendum on Europe. I know that a lot of my peers have called for a referendum as the last one was held in the 1970s. They say they have had no voice on the issue. Well I am part of that generation and although I know that democracy is a good thing and I believe we should have more referendums on a whole host of issues, I do not believe this would be the right move here. I believe that we should show a united front. I am proud that my country is in the EU. I want it to stay there. I am happy with it as it is. Let us not pretend we are the proud, imperial nation we once were. With modern technology the world is a tiny place now. We need to band together as a strong Europe, not a weak island.
Why is this the case? Because say what you like about the Tories, the front bench knows that we do need to be a part of Europe. We need to stand alongside the other European countries and be proud of this. We are still one of the stronger nations in the EU, even if it doesn't feel like it at times and we need them too. We need the economic support of something much bigger. We need the agreements on human rights, education and health. We need to be a part of this to show that we are front runners in a Europe that can work. Also we know that as a tiny island nation we run the risk of being cut off without the protection of the Union. 'CallMeDave' and co know this, but the Euro-sceptics in his party seem to not understand this.
Today it looks like 'CallMeDave' will get the result he wants. There will be no referendum on Europe. I know that a lot of my peers have called for a referendum as the last one was held in the 1970s. They say they have had no voice on the issue. Well I am part of that generation and although I know that democracy is a good thing and I believe we should have more referendums on a whole host of issues, I do not believe this would be the right move here. I believe that we should show a united front. I am proud that my country is in the EU. I want it to stay there. I am happy with it as it is. Let us not pretend we are the proud, imperial nation we once were. With modern technology the world is a tiny place now. We need to band together as a strong Europe, not a weak island.
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