Women who play video games
This is all my own opinion. If you don't like it then fine. Remember, we are all entitled to an opinion so don't take this the wrong way and get the hump over it.
Right...here we go...
Women who play video games part 1:
Women now make up around 50% of all gamers. It seems women are more likely to play mobile games or wii games and men play more Xbox games. Well, that is according to studies. However, there is starting to be a shift and more women are playing the same games and consoles as men.
Portrayals of women:
Often, women are sexualised and appear as the 'damsel in distress'. They appear with large boobs and impossible figures. They are this way because the gaming industry is still geared up to the male market. With more women playing games this needs to change.
Lara Croft from the 'Tomb Raider' franchise is a rare thing, she is a protagonist in a major franchise. Often this goes to male characters who might have a female sidekick or a woman they have to rescue. Don't even get me started on 'GTA' (I do like the games, but be honest, the lead is always male and the sexual violence towards women is a bit much at times). Even so, Lara Croft is traditionally portrayed in tight fitting clothes with long legs and big boobs.
Lots of games, like 'Tekken', have female fighting characters but they may as well be naked as they wear very little anyway.
My experiences:
I have played video games as long as I can remember. I had a Master System II when I was six years old and played classic 16Bit games like 'Sonic the Hedgehog'. The console still works by the way.
Right...here we go...
Women who play video games part 1:
Women now make up around 50% of all gamers. It seems women are more likely to play mobile games or wii games and men play more Xbox games. Well, that is according to studies. However, there is starting to be a shift and more women are playing the same games and consoles as men.
Portrayals of women:
Often, women are sexualised and appear as the 'damsel in distress'. They appear with large boobs and impossible figures. They are this way because the gaming industry is still geared up to the male market. With more women playing games this needs to change.
Lara Croft from the 'Tomb Raider' franchise is a rare thing, she is a protagonist in a major franchise. Often this goes to male characters who might have a female sidekick or a woman they have to rescue. Don't even get me started on 'GTA' (I do like the games, but be honest, the lead is always male and the sexual violence towards women is a bit much at times). Even so, Lara Croft is traditionally portrayed in tight fitting clothes with long legs and big boobs.
Lots of games, like 'Tekken', have female fighting characters but they may as well be naked as they wear very little anyway.
My experiences:
I have played video games as long as I can remember. I had a Master System II when I was six years old and played classic 16Bit games like 'Sonic the Hedgehog'. The console still works by the way.

Later, I would take my Dad's Game Boy and play 'Super Mario'.

My brother was given a Sony Playstation when it was first released 20 years ago and I would spend hours playing games like Doom while he watched (he was too young really and preferred to watch others play).
More recently I enjoy games on the Xbox and PS4 like Fifa 2016 and CoD. Anything that is multiplayer is more fun for me. I like the team elements.
I have never had a negative reaction from my male friends and in fact it made me more popular with guys when I was a kid because they thought it was cool that a girl knew all about their favourite video games and they were just as competitive with me as they were with each other. Gamers of any gender take gaming seriously and my friends are no exception, but gender is not an issue. In fact, my fiancé is always keen to get me playing video games with him because he is a big gamer and it something that we both can enjoy together.
There are a few people for who gender is an issue though.
Women who play games part two:
Some women have been the victim of death and rape threats because they play video games and have opinions on them. This is shocking! How anyone could think this is right is beyond me.
#gamergate was a trending topic on Twitter and other social outlets and was a result of some of the above. It highlighted the daily struggle women gamers have.
As women are becoming bigger consumers of video games they have more power to tip the balance. They can demand a more realistic portrayal of women and demand less sexualisation. Men are often portrayed fully clothed while their femal counterparts are scantily clad. Women can demand equality.
The gaming industry as a whole needs to catch up and realise that women enjoy gaming too. Like many women, I enjoy violent games, racing games, competitive games and so I don't want those elements to go. All the while other women are threatened or alienated I will be asking for change too. As consumers we have the power. Male and female gamers can work together to demand positive change and then we can get on with the fun part, gaming.
Check out my vlog below on this topic too:
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