A little over a year ago someone I admire and have so much time for asked me to help him out. He had left the band The Dead Lay Waiting and was setting off on his own. This would end up being collaborations with other talented muscians, new friends and working with all sorts of artists.

Today the fruit of his labour is released into the world and we all get to find out what he has been up to. When I was asked to help promote things I didn't ask questions, I simply sat back and waited to find out what he had in store for the world. I am as excited as anyone else for today's announcements and I hope anyone reading this will join me in wishing him luck.

Why would I follow someone blindly and help to promote something I know practically nothing about? Because I have faith in this human being. He has been there for me through an awful lot and he is one of the nicest, most talented people I have had the pleasure of meeting and speaking with. I support him because I believe he is capable of doing amazing things and I want him to have his chance. In my eyes, he can do no wrong.

This is a huge deal for me. This is not going to be easy for him. Every artist worries about how their work will be perceived by the outside world on its release. You can show him support by following his twitter account: @MrLukeLucas and also the street team I run for him @CrowsStreetTeam or go and like the facebook page.


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