10 things about me
I did this on Twitter earlier but it might need some
explaining so here it is:
- I taught myself some key words in Welsh so I can recognise them written down and understand them when they are spoken but I can’t write it or speak it though.
- I love Japanese horror films and detest the American remakes. I don’t see the point in them and they are never as good. See Ringu/Ring and Ju-on/Grudge for examples.
- In the car with dad we once almost ran over Frank Lampard and John Terry on the same day but on separate occasions as they stepped out in front of our car.
- I have a favourite Japanese actor called Tatsuya Fujiwara. I discovered him in Battle Royale when I was 14/15 and have seen almost everything he has been in either on DVD or online. I am catching up on a couple of films I have missed because sometimes they are hard to obtain.
- I personally know one of the Harry Potter owls. My neighbour kept birds of prey and they sometimes appeared in films or TV shows. Her barn owl appeared in Harry Potter.
- I once kept 10 stick insects Dad brought home from work. Then they bred and the numbers scared us so my brother and I ignored them until Dad took them back to work for a colleague to have.
- I once witnessed a beloved English actress tell my Grandad to “F*** off!” He used to empty her bins and they actually got on quite well. One time I was dog walking with him and he yodelled at her so she told him to “F*** off” and if you want to know who she was there was a reason for the yodelling...she did the same in the film The Sound of Music.
- I once met actor Colin Firth’s parents and it was a total fail. They were doing a radio interview after he won an Oscar and the radio equipment was in our office basement. Despite not working for the radio station I was expected to help them. We couldn’t make the equipment work so we gave up.
- I once physically fought another girl for a poster of Elijah Wood as Frodo. It was life-size (by that I mean the height of Elijah Wood and not a hobbit) and was on the end of a book shelf in our school library. We both wanted it but I got there first so we had a brief, physical fight and I won. I have since thrown away the poster.
- A professional go-kart racer once asked me to race professionally but I turned it down. I couldn’t afford it and I wasn’t really interested. It was my first time in a go-kart and I only wanted to beat my then boyfriend. I did and he sulked. A professional at the circuit said I was great and should race and he could “hook me [sic] up”. I said no and my then boyfriend still sulked.
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