Breastfeeding debate - my office edition

This morning a colleague of mine told me of some people on Facebook who were saying that breastfeeding in public is wrong, dirty and distracting. Basically they didn't want to see it while they were in a restaurant.

Every woman in my office (there are only women in my office), whether they had children or not, agreed that this was an insane view and that breastfeeding in public is normal, natural and absolutely right! Personally I have no baby yet, but when I do I want the option to be able to breastfeed in public. Here's a few key points why:

  1. You can't chain mothers up at home. They would go crazy if they were stuck in the house with a little baby all the time. They need to get out and interact with the world. Baby has to go too for obvious reasons, but when baby needs feeding, baby needs feeding. 
  2. This is a natural thing that has been happening since mammals evolved. We are not the only species to do this. Also, it is highly likely that those complaining were breastfed, therefore there can be no argument against breastfeeding at any point!
  3. Some men have no concept of how breastfeeding works for mother and baby. They have no idea of the importance of breastfeeding. I like to think that these are the men who do not have any children of their own and have no idea what it is like to have a baby and have that responsibility for a small person. Somehow I think this might be a mix.
  4. There is no way anyone can expect a mother to sit in the stinky public loos to feed her baby! As an adult none of us would choose to eat in the public loos, so why expect a little baby to have to do so? It is degrading and unhygienic.
  5. Most mothers are discrete. I have seen women breastfeed in public and they are very quiet and keep as covered as they can. By the time the baby has latched on you can't see anything anyway. It just looks like a mother cuddling her baby and it looks cute.
  6. It is not practical to express. Not all women want to do this and nor do they want to have to rely on formula. Plus, these things on my chest seem like a mobile way of transporting milk around to me.
  7. There are numerous health benefits for baby such as development, brain function and even how they perform at school later on after breastfeeding. See more here: 
  8. It helps mum and baby bond!
  9. Comments like 'breastfeeding breasts are ugly' (as my colleague's female friend put it) shows a society view of impossible to obtain female 'perfection'. This is sad and needs addressing as these views have come from the pressure put on young women to look a certain way. I would say this is a far more important issue than whether a woman breastfeeds in public!
'The more it’s done, the more normal it will become.' - as stated on the NHS website. Too true!

So that is just a brief argument with key points. Look into it yourself. Women, do not be afraid to breastfeed in public. Find what works for you and baby and sod everyone else.


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