Charges for merch
Nearly a year ago there was a lot of discussion around bands charging for meet and greets. I even vlogged about it at the time: Recently the idea of how much bands charge for things has crept up again on a variety of social networking sites. The biggest issue seems to have been around the limited reprinting of Laurence Beveridge's ( Fearless Vampire Killers ) book, Ruple and Evelyn. There was some...discussion (we will say this for want of a better word) around the costing of the book which is up for sale for £9.99 (plus P&P) from their website. Comments were made that this was too expensive for people to buy and that the band were essentially ripping off their fans who would have little money themselves. Other comments were made about the band stemming from this thread, but I don't feel they have a place here and I don't want to open all of that up again! The reality is that bands have to make money. They cannot afford to do anything for nothing. Yes, they will ...