
Showing posts from January, 2014

Nerves - nope.

I am one of life's worriers. I am terrible like that, but it is true. I have a situation tomorrow and it has been driving me insane. I couldn't sleep properly or concentrate or anything. I have never believed in herbal remedies, but a friend suggested I try one. I bought one. I still don't believe the flower content does anything, but the grape brandy...yup. Brandy has traditionally been a thing that people take to calm nerves. Even the taste can help. Guess what? The taste of it on my tongue had an instant effect. No I don't believe all that herbal clap trap, but this product is helping. It may be a psychological placebo or real or the brandy, but it is helping. Isn't that he point?

Welcome to a new year...time for a worry!

For some reason I always like to start a new year stressing myself out. Be it with a job interview, house hunting or just getting worked up over people that don't deserve it. Rather than taking everything as a new opportunity to be enjoyed and liked, I have this weird compulsion to just make myself feel very stressed and angry before I settle into a new year. I have no idea why I would behave like this and it can in no way be of any benefit to me. So why do I do it? Maybe that is all just down to my own personality. I am what we call 'one of life's great worriers'. I worry about everything! Just ask my fiance! Dave (fiance) on the other hand does worry, but in a different way. I am very vocal about my worrying and I display physical signs, such as not eating or sleeping. Dave is very calm and quiet and considers the situation. I feel he usually comes out of anything better than I do. So why are we both such different characters when it comes to worrying about stuf...

My new year starts today

My new year is starting on 3 January. A year ago someone came to me for help. They were lovely and wanted to be my friend. I was going through a rough patch, I sort of do every winter... Wait...let me give you some context. In the winter of 2008 I was with a destructive human being who was hurting me mentally. They put me in a state of depression, confusion and self-loathing. I was bed ridden, anxious and although I wanted to die I was too afraid of dying to do it. Much counselling and support from the man who is now my fiance later and I am stronger. I still have relapses and struggle, but I cope a lot better than I did before. So along comes this nameless person. I was over the moon that they wanted to have anything to do with me. They had recently started seeing someone who is close to my heart and I wanted to get to know the person who could make him so happy. When they needed my help I did what I usually do and jumped to help them. We got to know each other from there an...

2014, two goals for me

This year I want to lose weight. I am currently sat in my trousers that fit before Christmas and they are way too tight. Wait! Doesn't everyone put on a bit of weight over Christmas? Well, yes. I guess most people do anyway. However, this has been a long time coming. Even before Christmas I was not happy with my weight. On top of that I have had other issues connected to my weight that are making me feel awful. I have been getting regular headaches, my back aches from time to time and I know my knees (which have an injury anyway) are suffering more than usual. On top of that I know that my lack of fitness, eating well and exercise have been contributing to my low periods and making my depression worse than usual. There is my second one. I want to fight my mood. I want to have a more positive outlook and to get myself sorted and on the right track. Like I say, the exercise and eating well should help with this too. So unfortunately for you all I am going to be banging on abo...