RIP The Dead Lay Waiting...Long live LL!
I know that some of you are expecting something along these lines so I had better explain some things.
As you all know, I am a HUGE fan of the band The Dead Lay Waiting. As you should know by now, they announced officially that they have parted ways. Ben, Tom, Sam and Steve will carry on working together under a new name and Luke Lucas will go it alone. This is the full statement from the band:
'The Dead Lay Waiting are no more.
With much regret due to conflicting ideas with regards to the band’s future direction, it has been agreed to shut TDLW down.
It has been an incredible seven years, from the primitive bedroom band practices to playing stages and festivals around the world. This would have not been possible without your friendship. Our special thanks also go out to everybody that helped and supported the band through this journey.
Whilst TDLW might be no more, Ben, Steve, Sam and Tom have chosen to carry on working together as a band, under a new name. Bigger and better times ahead as we announce more information on this exciting new project much sooner than you may think.
Meanwhile we wish Luke all the best in his new career.
Big love to all of you
This is the statement from Luke Lucas:
'I have been waiting for the other guys to officially announce the news for a few weeks now so that I could have my chance to say this.
First off, I would like to thank every single person who has ever come to a show, who has ever written a letter, who helped change peoples lives by being involved with the #Secureyourinsecurities and #CrowsagainstBullying campaigns, any one who has ever drawn fan art, who has ever screamed back at me, who has ever been proud enough to call them self a Crow!
You guys are the reason that I kept on going, you have moved me more than anything else ever could, you have changed my life forever.
I will never be able to truly thank you enough for the complete and utter dedication you guys have shown to us over the years, the miles you have traveled and the love you have bestowed.
After almost 8 years of amazing memories it was apparent that the ideas of where we wanted to take the band were very different and with that in mind felt that with me as a front man, the new direction just wouldn’t be possible.
I wish all of the other guys the best in their new project and I will never forget the amazing times we shared.
It seems like it is time for me to move on, and with that In mind I have been spending the last few weeks with my head down writing my first solo EP.
I will keep you guys up to date with the progress on that as soon as it happens as I’m sure all of you who follow me on Twitter (@MrLukeLucas) or Facebook would already know.
As well as this I am continuing work in the Comic industry and will be following up the TDLW comic with a brand new series very soon!
I also plan to be doing a lot more collaboration work with the amazing artists and friends I have met along this incredible journey, so keep your eyes peeled!
One final thing, The Crows are not dead, we are a family and as long as we stick together nothing and I mean nothing can ever hurt us!
If you see somebody is upset, send them a message, it doesn’t matter if you know them, maybe some kind words from a unfamiliar face is just what they need to hear.
If you know that somebody is being bullied or abused, stick up for them, that is basic principle of this beautiful family.
This has been an incredible journey so far and I cant wait to see what’s in store in the next chapter.
Once again thank you so much
I love you guys
Luke Lucas <3'
As you can see from these statements (you can read them again on their Facebook pages), this was not a light decision.
After so many years growing up together the guys want different things as adults. They have different directions that they want to move in and we have to accept that and let them do it.
I know what you were all expecting. I know you all thought I would be a gibbering wreck. Well I will be totally honest with you all, I did shed a tear last night. After all, this is the band that literally saved my life. Their music and the knowledge that I would get to meet them kept me alive when I was at my lowest point and stopped me from doing something really terrible. I literally owe my life to them.
Also there are so many happy memories of being with the band. A year ago on Monday (14 October) it will have been a year since I finally got to meet Luke. I had been a fan for a long time and somehow never been able to see the band live! Life kept getting in the way. I finally got to meet Luke and tell him what the band meant to me and since then we have only had good times. Like the cape I told you all about and then Comic Con and so on and so forth.
I am not happy that The Dead Lay Waiting are no more. Like I say, I shed my tears and I was a little shook up. I have known that something like this was coming for about three months now, ever since I last saw them. I know I told you that I was supposed to be setting up the street team for the band, but then Luke went quiet and nothing ever got done about it. He changed his name on twitter and I thought that something must be up. I was genuinely terrified. Then this was announced and I was like a lot of other people. I was upset and a bit confused, but it wasn't totally unexpected.
Then I sat down and re-read both statements. Four of them are going to carry on working together and that is so exciting to think about. I can't wait to see what they come up with and what it will be like compared to the old band's music.
Then I send Luke a beautiful note about all of the good memories I have had of the band and in particular what he means to me. I know that you are not supposed to have a favourite band member, but I have always been totally honest with you, Luke is my favourite. The only reason for that is not the usual (you must have seen my fangirl rants), but rather because I believed in the music he was making with the band and I had so much respect for his #CrowsAgainstBullying and #SecureYourInsecurities twitter campaigns. On a personal note, he gave me a lot of support and encouragement to work on my writing, my crappy drawing skills and to set up and run the street team to do promotional work for them. Without him, none of it would be possible. On top of that he has always made the time to talk to me and be there for me. Now I am not saying that the others haven't, of course they have (that is why I am going to support their other projects), but I have always felt closer to Luke. I think I just get what he is doing. I hope that makes sense.
That is all the detail I can really go into right now because it is all in the public domain anyway. You can go on Facebook and see what I wrote to him. I have no problem with that.
So why am I not upset? Well there was a small part of me that was worried how everyone would backlash against me. When one of my other favourite bands, My Chemical Romance, split up earlier this year, I was upset, but I understood why it happened. Also the level of crying and threats of suicide, etc. were just terrifying and as you may or may not know, I made a YouTube video explaining it all ( So my main worry was that people would tell me I was a hypocrite if I then went off on one and hysterical about the band.
Also, after re-reading the statements from the band and Luke I realised that they had to move on creatively and that it was time for them to do so. They had reached the pinnacle of what they could do with that particular band with the Ascent of the Murder EP and there was no point in forcing something if they wanted different things from their music. If this is the decision they came to then this is something that I, as the good fan I am, should be supporting. This is a new beginning for them all and this should be seen as a positive thing. It would be selfish for me to cry over them and to bemoan the passing of the band. They can't stay together forever and force something to happen just for me. This way, they are able to move on creatively and I get to see how my five favourite music men get on in the future. They are actually staying around in the music business so I get to see them more than if everything imploded. Also, all five of them are still friends as shown by the tweets they were sending each other last night. They are always going to be close as they have been through so much together. It is better they go their separate ways musically and remain friends than they fight in the band and end up hating the sight of each other. This is much more pleasant and they are all nice lads so it seems like the right thing to do.
Looking to the future. Ben, Steve, Sam and Tom have plans to make music together and something will be announced really soon. Ben also plays bass for another band called Burials and this will be something he continues with for a while yet.
Luke Lucas is going it alone with a musical solo career and he is working on some interesting comic ideas. This is a very brave move and he will need all the support he can get. I fully intend to give this to him.
This is where my lovely followers and friends come in. I want you all to go and follow @CrowsStreetTeam on twitter and wait patiently. On Friday night I will be making a huge announcement from this account and I think that by looking at it you will be able to guess some of what that will be. I am really hoping that you will help me and get behind me with this. We are doing this for Luke because he does mean so much to so many people. A solo career is a big move and a scary one because, by its very nature, he is going to be doing everything alone. Only he isn't alone, because we Crows are a massive family and we stick together right? Well, let us get behind our commander and give him a chance to really go somewhere with his music and other adventures! This is going to be fun and hard work so the more support we can get the better. Thank you so much!
'I have been waiting for the other guys to officially announce the news for a few weeks now so that I could have my chance to say this.
First off, I would like to thank every single person who has ever come to a show, who has ever written a letter, who helped change peoples lives by being involved with the #Secureyourinsecurities and #CrowsagainstBullying campaigns, any one who has ever drawn fan art, who has ever screamed back at me, who has ever been proud enough to call them self a Crow!
You guys are the reason that I kept on going, you have moved me more than anything else ever could, you have changed my life forever.
I will never be able to truly thank you enough for the complete and utter dedication you guys have shown to us over the years, the miles you have traveled and the love you have bestowed.
After almost 8 years of amazing memories it was apparent that the ideas of where we wanted to take the band were very different and with that in mind felt that with me as a front man, the new direction just wouldn’t be possible.
I wish all of the other guys the best in their new project and I will never forget the amazing times we shared.
It seems like it is time for me to move on, and with that In mind I have been spending the last few weeks with my head down writing my first solo EP.
I will keep you guys up to date with the progress on that as soon as it happens as I’m sure all of you who follow me on Twitter (@MrLukeLucas) or Facebook would already know.
As well as this I am continuing work in the Comic industry and will be following up the TDLW comic with a brand new series very soon!
I also plan to be doing a lot more collaboration work with the amazing artists and friends I have met along this incredible journey, so keep your eyes peeled!
One final thing, The Crows are not dead, we are a family and as long as we stick together nothing and I mean nothing can ever hurt us!
If you see somebody is upset, send them a message, it doesn’t matter if you know them, maybe some kind words from a unfamiliar face is just what they need to hear.
If you know that somebody is being bullied or abused, stick up for them, that is basic principle of this beautiful family.
This has been an incredible journey so far and I cant wait to see what’s in store in the next chapter.
Once again thank you so much
I love you guys
Luke Lucas <3'
First off, I would like to thank every single person who has ever come to a show, who has ever written a letter, who helped change peoples lives by being involved with the #Secureyourinsecurities and #CrowsagainstBullying campaigns, any one who has ever drawn fan art, who has ever screamed back at me, who has ever been proud enough to call them self a Crow!
You guys are the reason that I kept on going, you have moved me more than anything else ever could, you have changed my life forever.
I will never be able to truly thank you enough for the complete and utter dedication you guys have shown to us over the years, the miles you have traveled and the love you have bestowed.
After almost 8 years of amazing memories it was apparent that the ideas of where we wanted to take the band were very different and with that in mind felt that with me as a front man, the new direction just wouldn’t be possible.
I wish all of the other guys the best in their new project and I will never forget the amazing times we shared.
It seems like it is time for me to move on, and with that In mind I have been spending the last few weeks with my head down writing my first solo EP.
I will keep you guys up to date with the progress on that as soon as it happens as I’m sure all of you who follow me on Twitter (@MrLukeLucas) or Facebook would already know.
As well as this I am continuing work in the Comic industry and will be following up the TDLW comic with a brand new series very soon!
I also plan to be doing a lot more collaboration work with the amazing artists and friends I have met along this incredible journey, so keep your eyes peeled!
One final thing, The Crows are not dead, we are a family and as long as we stick together nothing and I mean nothing can ever hurt us!
If you see somebody is upset, send them a message, it doesn’t matter if you know them, maybe some kind words from a unfamiliar face is just what they need to hear.
If you know that somebody is being bullied or abused, stick up for them, that is basic principle of this beautiful family.
This has been an incredible journey so far and I cant wait to see what’s in store in the next chapter.
Once again thank you so much
I love you guys
Luke Lucas <3'
As you can see from these statements (you can read them again on their Facebook pages), this was not a light decision.
After so many years growing up together the guys want different things as adults. They have different directions that they want to move in and we have to accept that and let them do it.
I know what you were all expecting. I know you all thought I would be a gibbering wreck. Well I will be totally honest with you all, I did shed a tear last night. After all, this is the band that literally saved my life. Their music and the knowledge that I would get to meet them kept me alive when I was at my lowest point and stopped me from doing something really terrible. I literally owe my life to them.
Also there are so many happy memories of being with the band. A year ago on Monday (14 October) it will have been a year since I finally got to meet Luke. I had been a fan for a long time and somehow never been able to see the band live! Life kept getting in the way. I finally got to meet Luke and tell him what the band meant to me and since then we have only had good times. Like the cape I told you all about and then Comic Con and so on and so forth.
I am not happy that The Dead Lay Waiting are no more. Like I say, I shed my tears and I was a little shook up. I have known that something like this was coming for about three months now, ever since I last saw them. I know I told you that I was supposed to be setting up the street team for the band, but then Luke went quiet and nothing ever got done about it. He changed his name on twitter and I thought that something must be up. I was genuinely terrified. Then this was announced and I was like a lot of other people. I was upset and a bit confused, but it wasn't totally unexpected.
Then I sat down and re-read both statements. Four of them are going to carry on working together and that is so exciting to think about. I can't wait to see what they come up with and what it will be like compared to the old band's music.
Then I send Luke a beautiful note about all of the good memories I have had of the band and in particular what he means to me. I know that you are not supposed to have a favourite band member, but I have always been totally honest with you, Luke is my favourite. The only reason for that is not the usual (you must have seen my fangirl rants), but rather because I believed in the music he was making with the band and I had so much respect for his #CrowsAgainstBullying and #SecureYourInsecurities twitter campaigns. On a personal note, he gave me a lot of support and encouragement to work on my writing, my crappy drawing skills and to set up and run the street team to do promotional work for them. Without him, none of it would be possible. On top of that he has always made the time to talk to me and be there for me. Now I am not saying that the others haven't, of course they have (that is why I am going to support their other projects), but I have always felt closer to Luke. I think I just get what he is doing. I hope that makes sense.
That is all the detail I can really go into right now because it is all in the public domain anyway. You can go on Facebook and see what I wrote to him. I have no problem with that.
So why am I not upset? Well there was a small part of me that was worried how everyone would backlash against me. When one of my other favourite bands, My Chemical Romance, split up earlier this year, I was upset, but I understood why it happened. Also the level of crying and threats of suicide, etc. were just terrifying and as you may or may not know, I made a YouTube video explaining it all ( So my main worry was that people would tell me I was a hypocrite if I then went off on one and hysterical about the band.
Also, after re-reading the statements from the band and Luke I realised that they had to move on creatively and that it was time for them to do so. They had reached the pinnacle of what they could do with that particular band with the Ascent of the Murder EP and there was no point in forcing something if they wanted different things from their music. If this is the decision they came to then this is something that I, as the good fan I am, should be supporting. This is a new beginning for them all and this should be seen as a positive thing. It would be selfish for me to cry over them and to bemoan the passing of the band. They can't stay together forever and force something to happen just for me. This way, they are able to move on creatively and I get to see how my five favourite music men get on in the future. They are actually staying around in the music business so I get to see them more than if everything imploded. Also, all five of them are still friends as shown by the tweets they were sending each other last night. They are always going to be close as they have been through so much together. It is better they go their separate ways musically and remain friends than they fight in the band and end up hating the sight of each other. This is much more pleasant and they are all nice lads so it seems like the right thing to do.
Looking to the future. Ben, Steve, Sam and Tom have plans to make music together and something will be announced really soon. Ben also plays bass for another band called Burials and this will be something he continues with for a while yet.
Luke Lucas is going it alone with a musical solo career and he is working on some interesting comic ideas. This is a very brave move and he will need all the support he can get. I fully intend to give this to him.
This is where my lovely followers and friends come in. I want you all to go and follow @CrowsStreetTeam on twitter and wait patiently. On Friday night I will be making a huge announcement from this account and I think that by looking at it you will be able to guess some of what that will be. I am really hoping that you will help me and get behind me with this. We are doing this for Luke because he does mean so much to so many people. A solo career is a big move and a scary one because, by its very nature, he is going to be doing everything alone. Only he isn't alone, because we Crows are a massive family and we stick together right? Well, let us get behind our commander and give him a chance to really go somewhere with his music and other adventures! This is going to be fun and hard work so the more support we can get the better. Thank you so much!
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