
Showing posts from 2013

Why I like Luke

People have genuinely asked me this question about Luke Lucas in the past. I guess the short answer is that he has always made me feel included and needed in some way. I have never felt like that in my life and have always been the odd one out. The first time I met him he encouraged me to carry on with my writing, music and even silly gif making. On top of this he has asked me to be involved in his work. This is a huge honour for me. To be approached by someone I admire and look up to and to be asked for help is a huge confidence boost and I know every day how lucky I am. I want to try and spread this on. To make others feel needed and respected. He is a bit contagious like that, but thankfully he is. The whole thing is not without its complications, there is so much of a back story that you could never know, but these are my reasons.

Jack the Ripper

Before I begin I would like to explain that I am no expert or 'Ripperologist' I am simply interested in this case and have done very limited research into the events that follow. This is ' Jack the Ripper ' for beginners so to speak. I have even linked some websites in that should help and this is a good place to start for more information: Casebook Ever since I can remember I have had a weird obsession with 'Jack the Ripper'. In fact I know when it was. I was 11 years old and I went to the London Dungeons where there was an actor playing the part of 'Jack the Ripper'. He took us on a 'tour of London' and showed us the 'Ripper' sites. At each stop along the way he told the story of what happened to each victim. Obviously this was in a way that would make us squirm, but the real details are even worse. I was chosen to be the last victim, Mary Kelly . My body was 'mutilated' and my entrails removed. What actually happened to this ...

My (anti) social experiment...and other tales

I was feeling down lately so I thought I would try coming off of Twitter. I know what you are going to down? Then, why twitter? Well for about as long as I can remember I have had periods of real lows. I don't just mean feeling a little down in the dumps, I mean full on I could throw myself in front of a bus moments. This got worse (through reasons that don't need discussing here) and became full on depression about 6 years ago. I dealt with the worst of it, but it comes and goes in bouts. Now for the reason why Twitter as opposed to Facebook or Tumblr or some other social networking site. Facebook has a lot of family and close friends on it. People who I care about and who deeply care about me. They would notice if I wasn't around. Plus, I like talking to people on there. The messages can be as long or as short as you like and my personal experience is generally a good one on that website. Then there is Tumblr. That website is just a crazy world full of fando...

Superstitious? Nope I believe we make our own luck

Events where I was told off for not being sympathetic to superstitious people today got me thinking. What is the point of superstition nowadays? Don’t get me wrong, I understand where it came from. The idea that a curse or bad luck could be gained from behaving a certain way makes total sense in terms of the medieval world. There was a lack of understanding of why certain events happened the way they did. There was a lack of knowledge about the natural world. Of course you could be cursed by that weird woman who lived on her own down the street. Of course you could get bad luck from doing something like break a mirror. If you don’t understand why something happens you can easily come up with stories about it. Also superstition can give you an excuse. If something goes wrong you can say that it is down to the fact that you broke that mirror last week or you put those new shoes on the table. It couldn’t possibly be down to your own error or just some genuinely unfortunate...

I love my life

Ok, I love my life at the moment. I am the luckiest woman in the world. Currently I am living with my fiance while my parents are away and things are going great. I can't wait for me and Dave to be able to move in together and really start our lives together. It is going to be amazing when we do. Then there is everything that I am doing for Luke Lucas. This is such an exciting time and I can't wait for that to all kick off properly. He is an amazing person and he has been so supportive of all the work that I have done. The thing that I love the most though is the level of support I have got from the other Crows. They have all been wonderful and they have all really got behind what I am doing for him. So I do feel like the luckiest woman in the world.

What a week!

I thought I would blog about my week because it makes no sense to me! I have had one hell of a week, so here is a break down of it from Sunday. Sunday: - I had the mother of all flu like colds hit me. I don't remember driving to Southampton or watching the football, although I am told that Saints won. That was a scary thought. I would rather have spent the day in bed. Monday: - I should never have gone into work. I had to drive the entire length of the county and it was horrible. I ended up having to leave at lunch time because I felt so ill. That night I was due to see the wonderful These Days Are Numbered in their first headline show at The Joiners. I dragged my arse up there and I am glad that I did because there was only myself, the fiance and his brother there other than the other bands playing! TDAN were amazing though. They get better every time I see them and I think they are going to be ones to watch in the metalcore scene. I love that they live in Andover too, so it...

RIP The Dead Lay Waiting...Long live LL!

I know that some of you are expecting something along these lines so I had better explain some things. As you all know, I am a HUGE fan of the band The Dead Lay Waiting. As you should know by now, they announced officially that they have parted ways. Ben, Tom, Sam and Steve will carry on working together under a new name and Luke Lucas will go it alone. This is the full statement from the band: 'The Dead Lay Waiting are no more. With much regret due to conflicting ideas with regards to the band’s future direction, it has been agreed to shut TDLW down. It has been an incredib le seven years, from the primitive bedroom band practices to playing stages and festivals around the world. This would have not been possible without your friendship. Our special thanks also go out to everybody that helped and supported the band through this journey.   Whilst TDLW might be no m ore, Ben, Steve, Sam and Tom have chosen to carry on working together as a band, under a new name. Bigger and ...

Hallowe'en - a 'pagan' history

So here is the first of my blogs on Hallowe'en. Tonight we start with the 'pagan' beliefs behind the day: Known in the Christianised sense as 'All Hallows Eve' or 'All Hallows Evening' as the day before 'All Souls', this day may have roots in the ancient, European, harvest festivals. "some folklorists have detected its origins in the Roman feast of  Pomona , the goddess of fruits and seeds, or in the  festival of the dead  called  Parentalia , it is more typically linked to the Celtic festival of  Samhain " - Historian Nicholas Rogers Samhain marked the end of the harvest and the beginning of darker days for Winter. It was believed that during Samhain, the doors to the 'Otherworld' would open and let in spirits of the dead. Not all of these were good and this may be where the lighting of a Jack O' Lantern or dressing up may come from as a way to ward of evil spirits. Of course there must have been some sort of C...

Top 10 no order

I threatened you with it and here it is! I like to read, so here are my 10 favourite books, in no particular order: Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers (J.R.R. Tolkein) . I know this is the middle of a trilogy of books, but this is the most gripping. By this point the characters are well established, the ring discovered and the Fellowship broken. Against all odds a battle must be fought and won in the hearts of Men and on the barricades of Helm's Deep. Meanwhile the friendship and solidarity of two Hobbits will be tested by Smeagol/Gollum and two other Hobbits will earn their place in the history of the tale with bravery and diplomacy. There is just so much that happens in this book and being the middle book it sets up for a gripping finale!  Wuthering Heights (Emily Bront e) - When her sister was writing about a mad woman in an attic, Emily was exploring the dark and brooding nature of the human condition. The passion of the swarthy Heathcliff for Cathy, his love. The moors ar...


Everyone bangs on about it, but what does it actually entail? Personally I like to call it 'being  groupie, without the sex'. That is a bit long winded though so for now, 'fangirl' will do. What defining feature are there to 'fangirling'? I would say the following points sum up a 'fangirl' pretty well: Going to several shows/events where your favourite band/actor/whatever is doing in one tour. Buying more merch than anyone could actually wear in one lifetime, just to say that they have it. Creating 'fan art'. This ranged from the epic to the downright ugly with varying levels of artistic capability in between. Sometimes it is a direct portrait and sometimes it is just inspired by a song. The disturbing stuff can come in the form of the plain pornographic! 'Shipping', such as putting two of your favourite band members or TV characters together such as Drewence, Keveridge, Lukier or Phan. Sometimes this is sweet, again, sometimes th...

Catch up

It has been a long time since I have done a proper blog. So I think it is time to catch you up to a few things right? I have a different job, but still working at the same place. It is a great job on the whole and I am happy I am there. There are always going to be busier and harder days than others, but it is a wonderful place to work. I am now a 'professional fangirl' for a couple of amazing bands. On the one hand there is a band called Fearless Vampire Killers (FVK). I suggest you check out their latest video, All Hallows Evil:  this is also a who's who of 'goff' rockstars at the moment. Other bands who appear in the video are Dead, Ashes to Angels and Ugly Love. One of the co-vocalists is also an author and has written an amazing book called 'Ruple and Evelyn'. I suggest you check it out, but at the moment it is only available in the Kindle version as the paperback as sold out. The absolute love of my...