Catch up

It has been a long time since I have done a proper blog. So I think it is time to catch you up to a few things right?

I have a different job, but still working at the same place. It is a great job on the whole and I am happy I am there. There are always going to be busier and harder days than others, but it is a wonderful place to work.

I am now a 'professional fangirl' for a couple of amazing bands. On the one hand there is a band called Fearless Vampire Killers (FVK). I suggest you check out their latest video, All Hallows Evil: this is also a who's who of 'goff' rockstars at the moment. Other bands who appear in the video are Dead, Ashes to Angels and Ugly Love. One of the co-vocalists is also an author and has written an amazing book called 'Ruple and Evelyn'. I suggest you check it out, but at the moment it is only available in the Kindle version as the paperback as sold out.

The absolute love of my life musically is The Dead Lay Waiting (TDLW). They are by far the best UK, DIY metalcore band out there and having a good looking vocalist hasn't really hurt to be honest. Shame their record label dicked them about and went under, because these guys should be huge! They don't deal with the usual shitty issues metalcore bands write about like being angry at their parents. TDLW tend to deal with issues most of us can actually relate to such as failed relationships and being on the receiving end of bullying. I think that you need to check these guys out so here is the video for Blind Preacher: Also this is how much I like these guys, I bought the vocalist a cape!

The vocalist is called Luke Lucas and he is bloody talented! We are eventually going to officially set up a street team together for his band. I know him probably better than I care to by now! No, that is a nasty thing to say. I know the whole band quite well by now and they are lovely lads. My fiance is a little scared of them at times, but they have all been nice to him too. If I can get any of you into their music and interested in helping with the street team idea that would be amazing!

On to other news. Yes I am still a political socialist. When the election comes round in a couple of years time you will see just how active on the web I can be. In the meantime all you need to know is that the coalition government is ruining this country by creating a situation where people cannot afford to live. Unemployment is on the up, cost of living is up and wages are frozen so essentially there is a pay cut and they are holding us all to ransom for five long fucking years before calling an election! We are expected to suffer along and then vote these bastards back in at the end of it all! I don't want my country, the country I love, to suffer this fate any longer than it has to. If you are old enough to vote come the next election then please don't vote Tory or Lib Dem. Vote Labour for choice, but if there is a socialist party or the Greens standing I would totally understand if they were your choice as well.

On to technology. I love my technology still and I am on to a Galaxy S III phone now. I have had that a year and I love the thing. The S IV was a great idea, but it isn't all that different to the S III. I am looking forward to the S V though, that looks like it is going to be a monster of a phone and the rumoured specs are very exciting.

Film wise I am a self confessed nerd now. I have been enjoying the Marvel films in particular. I love the reboot of Spiderman. The Amazing Spiderman was a brilliant film and using Andrew Garfield, a British actor, in the lead role was inspired! On top of that the Avengers films (as I call them) have been beautiful! This list is epic, Iron Man, Iron Man II, The Incredible Hulk (although it lends nothing to the Avengers film itself), Iron Man III, Thor, Captain America and The Avengers have all been well cast, well directed and well written. I can't wait for Thor II, Captain America II and The Avengers II. On top of that there has been a brilliant film called Pacific Rim that should have had higher aclaim and longer in the cimema. This was a del Toro film that was cutting edge, well written and again has a fantastic cast including the always amazing Idris Elba. The big news is that Jurassic Park IV is on the way...more in a minute. The Hobbit films are also in the middle of being shown in the cinema and although not as dark as Lord of the Rings for obvious reasons (it is based on the kids book), they are spectacular.

So Jurassic Park...basically I have a new favourite independent author called Jack Ewins. I thoroughly recommend his book, Through the Dark and the Dawn. In fact you should either download it for Kindle from Amazon or go here and buy a copy:, trust me it is worth the money. It is a romantic adventure story set in an alternative future and involving dinosaurs. Trust me, it works and it is epic! Anyway, on top of this and being the life long friend of FVK so he ends up in all their videos, Jack is also obsessed with Jurassic Park, so much so that he has a blog, vlog and twitter account dedicated to it all.
Anyway, check this guy out because he is a total legend...oh and he has the best DVD collection. ;-)

The last, but by no means least, thing to say is that I am engaged! Dave asked me nearly a year ago and we are saving like anything to get a house and pay for the wedding. It is tough at the moment, but we are getting there and I am sure I will bore you with it in time. We have been having adventures and food poisoning in Mallorca and we have been attending many a football match together along with a few gigs (understatement). I know we are going to make it because we make each other laugh and that is very important nowadays. I love him to bits.

All that is left is to say that through the month of October I am going to do a blog a day about Hallowe'en (although 22 October will be a challenge...all will become clear). So look out of these!

Kai thx bai!

Oh I vlog too! Check out my YouTube channel if you will!


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