Kim Jong Il

It was announced today that the North Korean leader, Kim Jong Il died over the weekend from a heart attack.  In the West Kim Jong Il is probably best known for being 'ronrey' and turning into a cockroach in Team America.  In lesser cases for being a 'regular contributor and friend of the show' on Ask Rhod Gilbert.

Kim Jong Il ran the 'hermit state' of N. Korea since 1997 after taking over from his father.  His son Kim Jong Un was announced on state television as his replacement.

Little is actually known about Kim Jong Il as his life has been kept private outside of the country.  Any information that does come out is state approved.  He was known to the people as 'Dear Leader' after developing the 'cult of personality'.  There was also a known figure of around 200,000 political prisoners in the country.

Kim Jong Ill suffered a stroke in 2008 and according to state television had a heart attack on his train on Saturday 17 December 2011, where he died instantly.

The main concern is that the markets will destabalise in the area following his death and this will have a knock on effect around the world that will only become clear as the day goes on.

Although his young son succeeds, there will no doubt be a power struggle amogst family as they try to hold influence.  The sudden nature of Kim Jong il's death makes for very uncertain times.

[About N Korea:

  • Capital is Pyongyang
  • Divided into Soviet and American occupied zones in 1945
  • Refused to participate in a UN sanctioned election in 1948 leading to two separate zones of North and South
  • Claims to the whole peninsula were made by N & S, which led to war in 1950, ending in 1953.  As the peace treaty was never signed, both sides are technically still at war
  • Shogun or 'military-first' is the policy of government
  • Before the division Korea was a cultural centre in the East, but was reliant on China for outside communication
  • During the 19thC Korea became known as the 'hermit state' as it became increasingly isolationist


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