Banned words and phrases

There was a blog on the Independent's web page today about words and phrases that should be banned.  In fact here is the link because it is rather excellent:

I would like to put a bid in for a few of my own pet hates.  Here they are:

  1. The over use of the word 'like' as in "So and so said...and I was all like..." or the use of it to fill in blanks in a conversation where the speaker lacks the confidence to finish what they are saying.
  2. The wrong use of the apostrophe.  It must always be used when describing a possesion e.g. 'Sarah's bag.'  It must also be used for 'it's' when shortening 'it is', but never for the possesional 'its'.  Also the apostrophe must be used in words where a letter is deliberately missing, e.g 'Hallowe'en'.  The phrase here is 'All Hallows Eve' so you can see the bits cut out.
  3. The over use of the word 'right' when lacking confidence (see 'like).
  4. Starting a sentence: 'However'.  You should not actually do that.
  5. Starting a sentance with 'but' or 'and'.  Both are linking words to be used only in the middle of a sentence.
  6. I agree with George Orwell, never use a long word when a short one will do.
That is all.  Now I am not the world's best speller, but I do try with the list above.


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