Banned words and phrases
There was a blog on the Independent's web page today about words and phrases that should be banned. In fact here is the link because it is rather excellent:
I would like to put a bid in for a few of my own pet hates. Here they are:
I would like to put a bid in for a few of my own pet hates. Here they are:
- The over use of the word 'like' as in "So and so said...and I was all like..." or the use of it to fill in blanks in a conversation where the speaker lacks the confidence to finish what they are saying.
- The wrong use of the apostrophe. It must always be used when describing a possesion e.g. 'Sarah's bag.' It must also be used for 'it's' when shortening 'it is', but never for the possesional 'its'. Also the apostrophe must be used in words where a letter is deliberately missing, e.g 'Hallowe'en'. The phrase here is 'All Hallows Eve' so you can see the bits cut out.
- The over use of the word 'right' when lacking confidence (see 'like).
- Starting a sentence: 'However'. You should not actually do that.
- Starting a sentance with 'but' or 'and'. Both are linking words to be used only in the middle of a sentence.
- I agree with George Orwell, never use a long word when a short one will do.
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