Nuclear Crisis in Japan - The Workers

Today the Fukashima Power Plant was upgraded to a level seven, the same level as the Chernobyl Power Plant.  This is not to say that the plant in Japan is as bad as the Chernobyl one, merely that the radiation surrounding the plant is at the same dangerours levels. 

As much as we talk about the plant itself it should be mentioned that there are hundreds of workers there who are working day and night to try and control it.  They are putting their lives at risk and the chances of long term illness or (sadly) even death are quite high.  They are working selflessly so that the general public can be kept as safe as possible.  When we talk about the high levels of radiation we have to remember that these workers are exposed to that directly.

Our fears should not be more important than the respect we have for these men.  Let us remember them more in the press and worry less for ourselves.  They are keeping us safe.


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