Libya - the continuing struggle

So the UN have agreed that Gaddaffi must be stopped.  British, US, French (and others) have been striking key posts in Libya in the hope that Gaddaffi will think twice about the killing of innocent people in his weird quest to cling onto some sort of power.  So far we have heard that Gaddaffi is willing to have some sort of cease power, but I doubt that the rebels will go for that as after many years of living under the tyrant's rule they will want a total change to democracy.

The main problem as I see it for our troops is that we do not want them to lose their lives in this conflict after the terrors of Iraq and Afghanistan.  We want our lads safe and sound and yet we do need to stop the slaughter of the innocents.  The other problem of course is the stray fire from our forces, can the accidental killing of innocent people by our troops justify the prevention of killing by Gaddaffi's?

As events unfold it will be interesting to see where this leads us.  The last thing David Cameron needs is for this to be his 'Iraq'.


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