Where is May?

Before I start, read this Huffington Post article.

Theresa May is running scared

Where is our PM? Have you seen her? Have you seen her without an invitation to see her? That is the real question. 

No TV debates

May has said she will not be participating in TV debates because she thinks the public want to meet with her and not see the debates. She will be interviewed on the tele though so there is that. The BBC and ITV have already said that they will hold leader debates and the threat is there to 'empty chair' her if she doesn't turn up.

Unfortunately Corbyn's team have been hinting that he won't do a debate without May but I think that would be a mistake. I think he should definitely appear and make her seem the scared little wotsit she really is (wanted to say something stronger but I didn't because I am a nice girl).

Who is she really meeting?

That is the question. If May is so desperate to 'meet the people' on this campaign then surely she has been in the places people work and meeting people on the street? Nope. If you read the Huffington Post article linked above it contains a comment from someone who confirmed that her events so far are invitation only.

Basically, May has been going to places like Wales and Leeds, which are Labour strongholds traditionally, and filling the rooms she is speaking in with the party faithful. These are members of the Conservative Party who have been contacted and invited along to fill up the room and whoop and holler to make it look like May is more popular in that area than the Labour Party. People working in the buildings have said that she waited until everyone went home before the events started.

There was also a picture from earlier in the week where she visited a factory and the whole audience looked bored and at least three looked like they were taking a nap. Not only that but people have been told not to ask her questions at these photo opportunities and just let her walk through.

Corbyn, on the other hand, has been seen in the streets to genuinely large crowds (ok in Labour areas but he didn't email them making them turn up). Not only that but he has proved once again how engaging he is with children as he read a book to a group of them and the papers were full of his facial expressions as he engaged the children in the story. He sat on the floor with them and so was at their level. I know children cannot vote but it shows that Corbyn really does care about everyone in our society and treats them with respect.

Even Ed Miliband has been posting pictures of himself out and about in the streets campaigning with grass roots members and engaging with members of the public.

No policies

As the man at BBC QT pointed out (again, see the article above), the Tories have no policies. All they have been doing is the following:

  1. Corbyn bashing (see Boris Johnson calling Corbyn a Mugwump)
  2. Talking endlessly about Brexit (yeah we have had that last year, what about everything else?)
  3. 'Strong and Stable Leadership' (I really hate May using that slogan)
If you call an election it is because you have a plan for when you increase your mandate right May? Because having your rep on BBC QT saying the manifesto is coming in 10 days is shocking! You should have had that to hand the moment May called the election. She should have been standing at that podium during her press conference and had a printed version in her hand to wave at the cameras. Labour already have policies in print, as to the Lib Dems and the Greens have been talking about theirs too. So far we have had nothing concrete from the Tories and no sign of a manifesto. It is enough to make you think that this was not even thought out at all!

What's that smell...?

It is time to call out the Tories on their bullshit. This election is not to do with 'strong and stable leadership' and it isn't even to do with Brexit. This election is because May was worried about losing her majority if all those Tories go down for electoral fraud. 

The truth is there has been no real opposition to Brexit in both Houses of Government. Most bills go back and forth between Parliament and Lords dozens of times and this happened what? Twice? So don't let May fool you on that point.

If we are to assume that the two main parties are still Tory and Labour how can we say that May is the 'strong and stable' leader. She wasn't even democratically elected and yet here she is as PM! No one stood against her for leadership after Cameron stood down last year and we ended up with someone who was not elected by anyone for the position of PM. You can't just say it is enough that the Tories were voted in to power in 2015 because that was under the leadership of Cameron! May had nothing to do with that other than to be an MP at the time. On the other hand Corbyn has faced two leadership elections within the Party and he has won both of them. He fought fairly and people liked what he had to say so he because leader under a democratic process. What we have with May smacks of dictatorship. I met she is so jealous of Erdogan right now.

What can I do?

If you see someone campaigning in the street for the Tories or they come to your door challenge them. Don't just shoo them away because that is what they really want as it means they don't have to answer anything.

Ask them what they really think of Brexit. Ask them if they think that a Hard Brexit is really a good thing. Challenge them to say something that is not Corbyn bashing. Ask them what their policies really are. Encourage conversation and debate because that is exactly what they don't want.

Then, when it comes to election day, put a big cross in the box of the party that really represents you. I am telling you now that for 99% of people that really isn't the Tories. If you want a good education for your children, a strong economy and a working NHS you cannot vote for the Conservatives. 


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