Cooking at the Spa

Going to the Spa I went to a spa this weekend just gone (3/4 Feb) and decided that I should write about it. Especially as my colleague told me to. That and it was fucking odd at times. As I relate my story you will soon find out what I mean. The tale of the spa In 2016 I got married and then turned 30 so my best friend thought it would be a nice idea to book us in to a spa. This is a lovely idea and I have never been to one before. There is a slight problem, I don't like anyone touching me so most of the treatments were totally ruled out. As someone who suffers from anxiety if I don't know someone really well then I can't have them touch me so I cannot have a massage or facial or even have my nails done by another human being. There was a way round this though and I took advantage of that. Proof of me getting married which is unrelated to the story. I trust Dave and he is allowed to touch me. The spa itself was a mile or so outside of Newbury and, as the only o...