Working with an administrator

I have worked in admin for all my working life now (full-time working life that should be as I had retail jobs before as a student). There are some things I have picked up on that make life that little bit easier for everyone involved as I think there is still a lack of understanding of what administrators are like.

As a breed we are pretty open to new ideas and challenges and we love to be kept busy. We also love to learn new things on the job. There are many reasons why we went in to admin. It could be because we love being organised, we want to help people or we just fell into the job and it works well for us (yeah, that last one is me).

Just because we are paid to help though does not mean that we are at the beck and call of all. There are some things that need to be remembered about us.

1. We are paid to help...but...

That doesn't mean we are just turning up and doing the bear minimum for the job. We actually enjoy being helpful. Remember what I said earlier, it is one of the reasons many of us go in to admin. I kind of fell into it after Uni but I soon discovered that I love being helpful to people. I always say that an administrator is an enabler. We enable others to do their jobs by taking on the administrative tasks they have which reduce their time doing what is really important about their role. When I help someone I get a massive sense of well being of a job well done. That doesn't mean that we go around complaining about the tasks we do, we love doing them and helping people out.

2. Be polite

It is a simple thing but it is one that I carried over from my time in retail and really applies to anyone who provides a service. Yes this is my job. Yes I am paid to help you so I can't turn your requests down (unless there is a VERY good reason). Yes I will go out of my way to do what I can to help you. A please and thank you goes a long way though. We are not expecting diamonds and flowers as yes, we do get a wage for this work. Being nice to us makes us feel like a valued member of the team though.

3. We might not be able to answer you straight away

Part of the job of an administrator is to know the answer to lots of things. We are not robots though and when we start working we don't just download all the information we need Matrix style and wake up shouting "I KNOW KUNG-FU!"

If you ask us something and we don't know the answer, don't be surprised. We will go out of our way to find out what the answer is though and we will remember it for next time (or at least make a note of it somewhere to refer back to). Just because we can't tell you something NOW does not mean that we are stupid or unhelpful. It means we have never come across the thing you are asking for us and it presents us with a new and welcome challenge. This is a good thing.

4. We are not mind readers

No, we didn't know you needed that information printed know...the stuff sent to you and you alone. You cannot blame us for not knowing you needed that train ticket booked either. Communication is the absolute best thing. You don't have to meet with us, a simple phone call or email is perfect (in fact email is great for me as I can read back and make sure I have covered everything). Just don't be surprised that something is not done if you don't tell us about it.

5. I'm only trying to help!

All administrators understand that things can come up last minute and knock you for six. We also understand that this can be incredibly stressful. One of the most important traits of an administrator is to be really understanding and another is to remain calm. Unfortunately this is often misunderstood as us not caring. Our job is to provide support and anticipate anything coming up by dealing with it way in advance. We get caught out too, but getting in a flap gets you no where. You have to remain calm and think logically, that's where we come in. Yes, we might be boiling under the surface about that nasty surprise too, but we jump straight into action mode and think about a solution. Running around like a headless chicken and shouting about the end of the world is not going to get you anywhere and the problem still remains. We like to 'Keep Calm and Carry On'.

As I said, unfortunately we are often misunderstood as not caring. There have been many times where I have tried to go through the options and provide help only to be shouted down. I have had the phone slammed down on me more times than I can count. This is all counter productive as the situation remains and nothing is sorted. Personally it makes me feel bad too. Not that I couldn't help, but that I am not valued. Actually, it can be really upsetting!

6. You might not like the answers I give

Sometimes there are procedures that have to be followed and systems are in place. This is beyond my control and I can't just go against them. You might not like it if I tell you that an order has to be placed a minimum of 2 days before you want it, but that is not something I can speed up. Sorry. My hands are tied. Don't shoot the messenger on that one.

7. Time is precious

I will do what I can but there are only so many hours in the week. Some administrators might have a role such as PA and they might have it written in to their contract to be available all times of day and night. I have always worked in roles where there is a set number of hours to work in the week. I am happy to stay late a few times if I can take the time back when I need it and most people in my position would say the same. We can be pretty flexible, but everything has a breaking point. If you email me at midnight on a Sunday I will not respond to you...I will be asleep. Do not then send me an email every hour on the hour asking why I haven't responded to your request for a meeting to be set up in a week's time. I promise I will check my emails when I am back in the office. There is a reason my working pattern is in my out of office too. When you receive that it is a clue that I will not be returning your email until at least 8am on my next working day. I love my husband and our time together at evenings and weekends just a little bit more than I like answering emails.

8. Do not be surprised that we don't read emails all the time

Sometimes we just have to get that urgent job done or we are on a training course or running an event. We have to turn our emails off because we need to focus on the task at hand. Some administrators only check their emails a couple of times a day. When I am at work I do have them open 8.00 - 16.00 (my work pattern) and I will do my best to answer them straight away but this isn't always possible. Also, many of us do not have them come through on our personal mobiles to deal with outside of the office. More than happy to do this if I am given a work mobile. Not entirely likely though so the emails remain unanswered until I am back in the office.

Basically we administrators do our best in every situation but we also manage expectations. It is a fine balance that we learn over time and with experience. Yes we are paid to help and support but we do have a certain pride in our work too that you can't get from that monthly pay. Be nice, be thankful and know that we are trying so hard to help you out.


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