Break a leg!

The dodgy knee

This is the sort of thing you say to someone before a performance or before they get married or something. It is not meant to be taken literally.

I have not broken my leg.

I have done something to my knee though. Not sure what. I was sat at work, minding my own business, when a colleague needed some help with the photocopier. I am blaming the photocopier for this injury because we have a hate/hate relationship...there's previous. Anyway, I got up to help my colleague and felt my knee crunch and a pain shot through the joint. The next thing I know I can't put any weight on it and it keeps crunching and hurting.

I spent the whole weekend like it in absolute agony. I went to finalise details at the wedding reception venue and had to go careful on the stairs and in the car park. Then walking back to my car at the end my knee went again and I was in agony again. I went to my local town and got a bandage to sort it out.

On the Saturday night I was going out with a load of my fiance's family for a pre-wedding meal celebration thingy. It was lovely. There was lots of nice food, plenty of alcohol and it was a great night because we had the restaurant to ourselves. Great. Except for one thing. I was in total agony! Unfortunately the restaurant was up a flight of stairs and this weekend the stairs have been my mortal enemy. I had to struggle up them and then struggle down them again. I was in pain the entire time was sat at the meal and although I was trying to enjoy the food, company and alcohol it was difficult. Then I lied about not being a big drinker. The reality was I was on some pretty powerful painkillers but it would have taken too long to explain so I just said I don't really drink. I probably came across as an ungrateful cow or something, nope, agonising pain was the problem I'm afraid.

Then came Sunday. I was in a little bit of pain first thing in the morning but as the day wore on it got better and better. By the time I got up on Monday it was better still. I can't walk around outside without a bandage as my knee keeps going on the uneven ground, but it is not that bad to be honest.

My biggest fear is not being able to walk down the aisle in my heels on the wedding day. It is now only 3.5 weeks until the big day and I need my knee to be better. I am trying everything. I have iced it, rested it, elevated it. I am wearing the bandage wherever I go. I am determined it will be better by the time I come to get married. I really hope it is. I am so worried about it.

If you have any tips on speeding up my recovery I would love to find out. Right now I am so concerned it will all go horribly wrong and I will only be able to wear my flat shoes. Wish me luck for a speedy recovery!

Eating food

A while back I toyed with the idea of losing a little bit of weight before the wedding. Then I realised I liked food too much and couldn't be arsed. This is the reason that when I did go out on Saturday I took full advantage of the full buffet.

The problem I have had is that my luck seems to have run out recently. I had a 24 hour stomach bug last week and it kept me awake all night the night before I had to go clothes shopping with my Mum to find her a 'mother of the bride' outfit. Since then my appetite has not really come back fully. I can't stomach breakfast in the morning and have been eating smaller lunches and dinners. I guess this is forcing me to lose some weight but not the way I wanted to.

Anyway, I go out on Saturday night and as it is a large group of women you can almost guarantee that someone will be on a diet. That someone was not me. As my appetite is creeping back I decided to pile the plate high...then I couldn't eat it all. Damn.

I have a funny relationship with food. My anxiety means that if I am having a bad day I struggle to eat in public because I feel like people are judging me. I feel like they are judging the way I eat or the amount I eat. I feel like I am going to offend someone with my table manners. So I am not great at eating in a large group unless I know everyone really well. That was my other problem on Saturday. I do know Dave's family quite well but I am not used to eating in front of them. Also, with IBS I am still learning what sets me off and it could be that something I eat normally at home is different when I have it at a restaurant so could set me off.


I am still saving for the trip to Japan. I would love to go so much and see a gig while I am out there. This weekend I saw photos from ONE OK ROCK who have been doing a two day concert in Nagisaen. There were 55,000 people there on each day and it looked amazing! That would be a dream for me. I saw them in London nearly a year ago and they were amazing live. Taka's voice is incredible and to see them in Japan with all those people would be fantastic.

I would love to spend a few days in Tokyo and then go to Kyoto. I really want to see some of the ancient shrines and just take in a mix of the old and new. It is such a fascinating place. I would love to try out my limited Japanese on people too, I am sure that would give them a laugh.

Really it is the only place I really want to visit. I have to make sure I do one day.


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