I saw Star Wars...

...and it was great!

Don't worry, I am not going to give any spoilers at all. It is commonly known that some of our old favourites from the original trilogy are back (Han Solo, Leia and Luke Skywalker). There are plenty of new characters that you will grow to love over the course of the two hours as well.

The studios moved to Disney a couple of years ago and that is when it was announced that Episode VII: The Force Awakens would be made. People were skeptical at first as Episode I, II and III were not the greatest films in the world. In fact, there were complaints at the time (and since then) that they totally destroyed the feel of the originals.

What I liked most about The Force Awakens is that director J.J Abrams has gone back to a more traditional way of filming with as many of the props being real as possible. Eps 1-3 relied heavily on CGI whereas the original trilogy didn't have that technology so relied on as many realistic props as possible. An example in this new film is the new droid, bb8 which was actually created so that the actors had something to interact with on set. Of course we will never lose our love for R2D2 and C3PO but this new little droid has all the guts of R2 and plenty of its own comedy moments.

Not only that but this film is the first in years that actually passes the Bechdel Test. The idea behind the test (and the creator admits it isn't perfect) is that a film shows two women having a conversation about something that isn't a man. There is a brilliant moment in the film where this happens to one of the main characters, Rey (played by Daisy Ridley), is a very strong and independent woman who really holds her own in a fight.

This is much more what I expected from a Star Wars film and it really pays tribute to the original trilogy. I really think any fans of that original trilogy who were scared this would be Eps 1-3 all over again should go and see this film and they will have their fears wiped away.

A top effort and a brilliant way to set up the next part of the story.


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