Date night

I worked out yesterday that I probably saw more of my fiance for general fun (not that you dirty people) than I do now. We see each other every day now but we are always doing something like housework or shopping. Stuff for the house seems to take up all our spare time together. When we are not doing stuff together he wants to go and play on his computer.

I decided to implement something I thought was a little tacky at night! I know other people have them and I always thought, before we were living together, that this was a tacky idea and I would not really want to do that. Now I see why they are so important.

The sort of lives people live today make spending time with their partner really difficult. We are all connected to our jobs too much and we all spend too much time glued to our computers and mobiles. Even when we are in the same room we have the TV on and yet we are both on our separate mobiles flicking through Facebook or whatever.

I decided that we would have a flexible evening in the week where it was just the two of us. I know that there will be weeks when we have to change this around due to other commitments and whatever. Also, this allows us to mix it up from week to week and, depending on circumstances, means we can go out and have dinner or see a show.

The rules are clear:

  1. One evening a week to be spent together with no one else around
  2. During that time we are not to use mobiles or computers so that we are able to enjoy each other's company
  3. The evening can be flexible to allow for other commitments
This is simple but I think the most telling thing is the not using computers or mobiles. This means we have no excuse to not pay attention to each other and we can just enjoy each other's company. We are both terrible for using our phones so hopefully this will encourage us to be more engaging with one another. We will appreciate each other more this way I believe.

My fiance was very open to this idea and I think it will be really good for the both of us to do. I am really looking forward to spending more time with him like this and having it be just the pair of us, which is what I had pictured in my mind about living together.

I think it will be really good for my state of mind too. It will be something positive for me to look forward to each week. This should make me feel better generally and it will also give me a chance to talk more to my fiance about anything, including my worries.

I will see how it goes and see what sort of effect it has on our relationship. I am looking forward to spending more time with him though.


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