Video Games - Do They Encourage Violence?

I remember this debate from my days studying Psychology. There have always been theories that video games cause people to be more violent if they contain extreme violence. Whenever there is a horrific event such as a mass shooting then people try and look for a thing to blame. This has focused in the past on music (Marilyn Manson has been blamed as his music was found on the playlist of one of the killers in the Columbine Massacre) and violent films (Natural Born Killers was apparently the influence for a lot of 'copycat' killings across America at the time of its release in 1994 and these included Columbine and Heath High shootings).

Video games are also getting the blame for violent crimes and violent nature. Recently there has been a consensus that violent video games make people more violent. It is true that the graphics in games are getting more realistic. They are starting to look more like films than something cartoony like games used to.

Take a game like Grand Theft Auto V. This is a game where you have to steal cars, kill people and shag women (this is the cleaned up description). I have a feeling that most people would realise that this is not real and would not go out and shoot people and steal a car. There are other games where you beat up other characters but you don't see people going round beating each other up after playing them all the time.

My theory is that there is a predisposition to violence and violent people are not necessarily drawn to the violent games. The people who have, seemingly, had these games in their collection and then committed some violent crime have other things in their past. They feel like outsiders through bullying and being made to feel stupid in school or they have suffered abuse from a parent or other family members. There can be any reason but the fact remains that these people have been made to feel like they are less than they think they are. I don't know if we should blame them or their circumstances but I believe that the games are not to blame.

There are millions of people who play these games every day and only a very small percentage go on to commit a violent crime. Yes, we may get agitated as our adrenaline goes through the roof playing the games but that is as far as the thrill they provide goes for us. Rarely do the games influence a 'copycat' killing.

When I was 12 I started playing Doom and enjoyed the violence. This was a game sold as an 18 but I managed to get a copy and played it. I had no compulsion to go out and shoot things. In fact I hate the idea of even killing a fly so there was no way I could do that sort of thing to another human. I have also played games like Call of Duty and Mortal Kombat but I don't go and copy them either.

Games, along with music and film (as mentioned) are given the blame though but there is more truth in these being a healthy outlet for angst and frustration. By finding a focus on the music/film/game we channel all of our emotion on to that thing and it stops us lashing out on the world. These things also make us feel accepted and part of something as we use them to connect with like minded people. This prevents a feeling of isolation and we become part of something bigger that gives us a feeling of family and togetherness.

In short, people look for a scapegoat every time something happens and this is totally short sighted. We are making excuses because it is easier than looking in depth for real reasons of violence. So go out and enjoy that game and don't let the so called studies get to you.

To see the video version of this blog then take a look at the video below.


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