One OK Rock – 35 XXXV

The latest album by Japanese rock band One OK Rock. I do agree with some of the critics’ comments that this is the most ‘American’ sounding of their albums to-date, but I feel they bring their own flavour and, as a result, it is a fun album full of excellent tunes and some proper anthems.

Many will know the songs ‘Mighty Long Fall’ and ‘Heartache’ from the closing credits of the final two Rurouni Kenshin films. If these are the only songs you listen to though then you are missing out. As seems to be the norm now, the album opens with a thumping musical intro written by front man Taka. There isn't much of a gap between songs on this album and most feed into the next without stopping. This means the album has a fast paced feel to it and this is not a bad thing at all. This is the case right from the beginning as the intro moves into track two, ‘Take Me To The Top’. You’ll love this track by the way and you will be singing along in no time.

Notable tracks include ‘Paper Planes’, which features Kellin Quinn from Sleeping With Sirens. I am not a huge SWS fan but this is good fun and the chorus is almost infuriatingly catchy. A sassy tune which deserves a listen.

When listening to the song ‘Memories’, when stuck in a traffic jam with the windows down, it is worth remembering to turn the volume down and not yell: “GO ON AND FUCK YOURSELF!” A defiant, epic song that will cheer you up and remind you that not all your bad memories should bring you down. Yes, the whole traffic jam thing was something I did last week (beginning 22 June) and yes I did get odd looks from the van driver in the lane next to me. It is a brilliant song though and I just couldn't help it…and you won’t either.

To the snobs who complained that One OK Rock were too ‘Americanised’ I say you are not really listening. This album is fun, fast and full of catchy tunes that you’ll be humming for days after the first listen. The core of their sound is still there and you might learn some Japanese along the way. There isn't so much of the Japanese language on this album but songs like ‘Heartache’ still have some and the good thing is that Taka’s sweet, melodic voice makes it clear and so you can sing along in no time. I have certainly got a new favourite band and a new favourite album among my collection.

Check out the tracks: 'Mighty Long Fall', 'Heartache', 'Memories' and 'Paper Planes'


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