Christmas - how early is too early?

Back in August I was walking through a local supermarket and noticed that there were already Christmas items for sale. I commented to my fiance that this was far too early!

Roll on a few months and I am now very much in the Christmas spirit. I can't wait to get the decorations up and to celebrate with friends and family. How early is too early to put up decorations though?

I have noticed in my local towns that the light switch ons were during the last couple of weeks of November. However, it seems that people decided, in the same time frame, to put up decorations in their house. Is this too early? In my house there was always a tradition of putting up the decorations in the second weekend of December. My father took this to an extreme last year when he put the tree up on 1 December and we all thought that was early enough.

How soon do people put up decorations in your house? How early is too early to do that? Are you full of Christmas cheer or Christmas jeer?


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