Everyone bangs on about it, but what does it actually entail? Personally I like to call it 'being groupie, without the sex'. That is a bit long winded though so for now, 'fangirl' will do. What defining feature are there to 'fangirling'? I would say the following points sum up a 'fangirl' pretty well: Going to several shows/events where your favourite band/actor/whatever is doing in one tour. Buying more merch than anyone could actually wear in one lifetime, just to say that they have it. Creating 'fan art'. This ranged from the epic to the downright ugly with varying levels of artistic capability in between. Sometimes it is a direct portrait and sometimes it is just inspired by a song. The disturbing stuff can come in the form of the plain pornographic! 'Shipping', such as putting two of your favourite band members or TV characters together such as Drewence, Keveridge, Lukier or Phan. Sometimes this is sweet, again, sometimes th...