
Showing posts from January, 2021

Will life be the same again?

How has Covid changed your world? It is undeniable that the experience of living through a pandemic will have changed the world for so many people. How has it changed for you though? I know how it has changed for me and so I have tried to use that to inform this post, but I would be interested to see if you think that, long term, life has changed for you and how. Mental Health It is true that so many people have had issues with their mental health over the last year. We are seeing more people than ever seeking help for anxiety and depression. Personally I have also been struggling as we go in and out of lockdowns.  How will this affect us long term though? Surely there are going to be issues for years to come? People have lost jobs, family members and more during this pandemic. There is no way that we come out of this without damage.  It will take some people a long time to get up the courage to go outside again and resume 'normal' life. Other people will have to live with anx...

Keep checking

It's important to get checked - Cervical Screening It's a global pandemic, but it is still important to get checked I received my letter about cervical screening and my appointment coincided with Cervical Cancer Awareness week this year. I always write about my experiences and you can read my previous blog, which also has a link to the one before that, here: The complication at the moment is that we are going through a pandemic. However, there are still services available and a lot of surgeries are still doing the screenings. If your surgery is not screening at the moment you can still get tests done if you think that you have symptoms. It is so important to get an appointment though and go if you get your letter. This year I didn't have a nurse that almost set fire to me...which was nice (see previous blog as above). What did happen was that it was probably the quickest and easiest appointment I have ever ha...

2020 v 2021

Can 2021 be better than 2020? 2020 Round-up 2020 was a total shit show, there can be no denying that. Apart from the personal losses my husband and I had last year, the world was literally burning at times, drowning at others and all of this while a pandemic ravaged the land.  If I were a religious person I would say that 2020 was a series of plagues sent by God to punish us all...but I am not. Basically a few things were unexpected and others were totally in our control and we should have done something about them a long time ago. Really it was shocking and saddening that in 2020 we were still having to see people fight for their freedoms. The Black Lives Matter movement got going again at a level not previously seen after George Floyd, an African-American man, was killed by police during his arrest for allegedly using a fake $20 bill. The officers in question initially saw no justice and, rightly so, protests were seen across America and eventually the world.  Australia bega...