Let's talk about periods and poop

Everybody poops, even on your period I know it is not the 'done' thing to talk about periods or poop, but it is important to take the fear out of certain things. For women who have periods there is something that might happen to you each month, your poops might change. Now this doesn't mean they will for every woman on their period, but for a lot of women this will be something they recognise. Let's talk about periods and poop. This is based entirely on my own experience and I am just one woman in billions around the world so my experience is different to yours. A lot of the long words I got from the article ' Why is period poop the worst? 10 questions, answered ' . 1. Diarrhea and just sooooo much poop Certainly when my period starts I just can't seem to stop pooping. I get a really heavy day right at the beginning of my menstral cycle and for me the cramps are the worst! I feel sick and get headaches from the cramping. Ibuprofen just about takes the e...