Staying well in lockdown

Keeping well while you're staying at home It is a weird world right now. As I write this we have been in lockdown for one month in the UK and we have at least another two weeks of this. People are getting into a new routine with things like shopping and working. I have noticed that there are a lot more tins and toilet rolls in the supermarkets so that is a blessing at the moment. However, it is easy to fall down the rabbit hole and start to feel helpless when this is all going on. Mentally there are a lot of people struggling at the moment. It might be because you are cut off from friends and family, or you just look at the world and feel totally helpless with everything going on. Some of us already have our fights with mental health and this is pushing us further and further down. Then there is the physical aspect. How do you stay fit and healthy when you are stuck at home? This is especially hard if you live in a block of flats. There is also the temptation to snack for som...