What a mix - a catch-up
Recently I have got better at vlogging. By that I mean I do it more regularly. That said, as I write this, I have totally forgotten to do my weekly catch-up vlog that I intended to do every Friday. Last week was a bit boring though, but the weekend was not (more of which later) November has been and interesting month for me. It is really a time of reflection on so many levels. For a start it marked the first month of marriage for me with my husband, Dave. At the time of getting married the day was such a whirlwind (as was the honeymoon after) that I didn't get a chance to sit back and recognise the enormity of what I have done. I feel like this is a very grown up thing. The other thing I have noticed about getting married is that when you change your name you get people look at you in a totally new light. I feel like people treat me more like an adult just because I am Mrs Harding and not Miss Critcher. Like that title change has made me seem more mature and less like a child or ...