Why I won't be watching 50 Shades this weekend
Well apart from the fact that I have a lovely weekend away with my darling fiancé where we are meeting good friends and having a lovely time to celebrate our 6 years together (go us) I personally have no desire to see the film. Critics have not been particularly warm towards the film adaptation of 50 Shades of Grey, the film based on the inexplicably popular female masturbatory aid book. Without seeing the film I cannot comment on that, so I won't. My desire to leave the film unwatched comes from experience of the books themselves. Or rather the first one. I have to clarify here that I did read the first one as I was prompted to do so by several people, but the effect it had on me was rather the opposite of arousal. As a result I did not read the sequels. Maybe some of you reading this did and they became the greatest literary works of the modern age. If this is the case then please, feel free to educate me on this in the comments. Let us start with the history of the books. Th...