
Showing posts from November, 2014

Sophie Lancaster

I am 28 years old. I have been fortunate enough since turning 20 to finish university and find a good job (well several since then) and find a wonderful human to spend the rest of my life with. I am about to go house hunting in the new year and I have (hopefully) a long life ahead of me. Sophie Lancaster should have had that too. Her birthday (26 November) is exactly 10 days after mine. Today (26/11/2014) she would have turned 28. All those things I wrote about doing since I turned 20 should have been things she had a right to as well. Sophie has never had those opportunities as her life was taken away by the stupid and cruel actions of a bunch of teenagers. The thing that makes me most angry is the reason why she and her boyfriend were attacked that night. Walking and minding their own business this group of kids took offence at them because they were members of the alternative community. By this I mean they had dyed hair, piercings and listened to rock/metal. As a member of thi...

Do we still need feminism?

There has been a lot of work this year around feminist action and the word 'feminist' has really come to the front of many people's minds. However, one magazine dared to ask the question: 'should we ban the word 'feminist' next year?' I see myself as a feminist. As I see the world there is still so much work that needs to be done and the only way this can be achieved is by men and women working together. There are women I know of or I have read the works of who are anti-men. The way I see that attitude is that men will be alienated and this can only lead to a back step in rights for everyone! Men are just as important in the fight for women's rights as women are. Only when we see equality regardless of gender will we be able to truly say that feminism is not required. The best example this year has been the ' He for She ' campaign. This has been adopted by celebrities and politicians alike and was kicked off by the actress, Emma Watson, who m...

Get it checked

I know from talking to young women my age or a little younger that there is some fear about going to the nurse or doctor for cervical screening. I want to tell you now that it is totally not a big deal. Honestly! I have just made an appointment for my second ever cervical screening. I actually can't believe that it has been three years since the first one! Wow, time flies! Let me tell you about my experience so you can see it really isn't a problem at all. Basically you go in to see the nurse (or doctor) for about 5 minutes. Honestly, that is all it takes. I turned 25 three years ago and got my first summons. Basically you get a letter through the post from the NHS with a leaflet that tells you all about the screening process and why it is important. When you are 25 you get the first one and then you go back every three years until you get a little older and then you go back every 5 years (eventually you don't have to go at all). Once there your nurse will either just...

Britain First? Not if it is this lot...

Today the hate group (yes I call them that freely) Britain First posted this letter template on Facebook saying that parents should use it to get their children out of Religious Education lessons that would encourage children to join Islam or some such nonsense. I do not post this here to encourage or condone their words. In fact, my response is below. I fear that my liberal and well reasoned argument will be deleted from their page and so I post it below for you to read. I add that people are free to make up their own minds about everything and if your view is different from mine then you are entitled to it. I just hope that you will respect my view. 'Anyone who uses this is never going to solve anything. When I was at school Religious Education was only in Primary School and dealt mostly with Christianity as taught by the local Methodist and Holy Trinity churches. When I went to secondary school we had Religious Studies, which I took to GCSE level (as it was an option).  Th...