My view - Too Many Oxbridge Grads?
Today the Guardian had a response from the Readers Editor about the accusations that the Guardian employs too many Oxbridge graduates as reporters and therefore they have a biased view and should not be allowed to comment on politics, benefits, etc. I posted the following comment and thought more people should see it. Please keep in mind when reading it that I am playing a little of devils advocate and also explaining an uncomfortable truth, we are all shaped from our socio-economic backgrounds and this includes where and how we were educated: 'The point is that the 'best' person for the job should be employed. The problem is that where we come from can form our views on politics and how we view other people in a situation different from our own. Oxbridge isn't really the issue, rather public education as this can form the individual's view on other people who are 'less fortunate' than themselves. Even here there is an issue though. The school I att...